6 Ways To Build A Wealthy Mindset

Wealthy Behaviors With Amida Wealth

At Amida Wealth our mission is to empower our clients to realize their true wealth. To live fully in the present and plan for the future. There are many steps that need to be taken to reach the wealth you desire and the happiness you deserve. It’s important to remember that becoming wealthy doesn’t happen overnight. Here are 6 ways to build a wealthy mindset into the New Year 2023.

#1. Visualize Your Future Wealthy Life

The first step on the path to a richly lived life is to create your vision. This starts with the question – What is Your definition of Wealth? Joe Dispenza is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness and unlimited abilities. Dispenza has educated thousands of people, detailing how they can rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes. He writes, “Every time we have a thought, we make a chemical. If we have good thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel good. And if we have negative thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel exactly the way we are thinking.” In other words, the more we can visualize and claim our future wealth – the more real It becomes.

Start your visualization process with gratitude and a notebook – journal your beliefs. Ask yourself, What does wealth feel like? Take a deep breath, in and out through the nose. Perhaps it is calm, blissful, creative, expansive. Remember, your wealthy life is what you create! Additionally, watch this powerful visualization video on YouTube with Joe Dispenza. The Amida Wealth team is here to help you transform your vision of wealth. We can open your eyes to new beliefs and perceptions to re-frame what wealthy living truly means for you.

#2. Develop Good Money Habits

At Amida Wealth we offer sound economic advice that works at any level regardless of the size of the investment. You do not have to be enormously wealthy to require an investment strategy. A good strategist such as Sun Tzu would say “Know your enemy and know yourself and you will have no fear.” We know your risk tolerance and understand your goals. Our strength is in our resources, all custom designed to help you build a strong financial position and portfolio that does the most good with your investment dollars while minimizing risk.

Give these 3 wealthy habits a try:

  • Save money or allocate money towards the things that matter the most to you. There is no right number when it comes towards your savings. There is only a right number for you. Perhaps, invite friends over to cook together more often– embrace the art of conversation, and the beauty of connection. Remember that wealth is a mindset. Allocate your finances towards your legacy!
  • Trust your wealth process – Where you are is exactly where you need to be. Be committed to your intention and your legacy, all while trusting the flow of life.
  • Ask for helpfinancial advisors are here to support your wealth journey. You are not meant to figure this out all on your own! Invest into your wealth Into the New Year 2023!

#3. Focus On Your Health

Health is the biggest wealth anybody can have. A healthy body greatly impacts the mind, body & soul. This is why it is one of Amida’s first pillars. When we live healthy lives our perspective is different. According to the OCED research, 90 per cent of the wealthy believe that their health is more important than their bank account.

Start small and think big with Amida Vibes!

  • Nourish your body –  Keep it real! Avoid processed foods, plan your meals ahead of time, and cook at home more often.
  • Exercise – take a walk, go to a yoga class, stretch for 30 minutes, be intentional about time for yourself.
  • Be grateful Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can decrease depression and anxiety. Expand your wealth through your health this New Year 2023.

#4. Start Your Day Off Right

A solid morning routine will brighten your mood and give you more energy during the day, reduce anxiety, boost your productivity levels, and make you feel better overall.

Self-help guru Tony Robbins exercises each morning, and spends 10 minutes meditating, according to Business Insider.

Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn, once tweeted that he too meditates each morning. In fact, he wakes up at 5:30 each morning, reads his emails, checks the news, works out, meditates, and eats breakfast — all before 9 a.m.

Shonda Rhimes, the producer of “Grey’s Anatomy” and creator of “Scandal,” told InStyle she wakes up an hour and a half before her kids, around 5:30 a.m. She writes in her journal or simply stares out her window. Then, the kids awake, and her day’s off to the races.

Start your day off with intention:

  • Drink water
  • Meditate
  • Breathe
  • Exercise
  • Send yourself gratitude
  • Above all, visualize your future success.

Ritualize your morning with Amida!

#5. Set Aside Self-Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are false beliefs that prevent us from pursuing our goals and desires. Mark Manson, American self-help author and blogger, writes that limiting beliefs typically come in three flavors:

  • Limiting beliefs about yourself that make you feel like you can’t do something because something is inherently wrong with you.
  • Limiting beliefs about the world that make you feel like you can’t do something because no one will let you.
  • Limiting beliefs about life that make you feel like you can’t do something because it’s too difficult.

In other words, limiting beliefs can unnecessarily hold us back from who we want to become. Luckily, limiting beliefs lose their power as soon as we consider that they may not be true. As a mental exercise, adopt the ability to simply question your own beliefs and find alternative possibilities.

Common limiting money beliefs:

  • Money is “hard” to obtain…
  • You need to be frugal to have more…
  • You’re selfish if you want to make a lot of money…  
  • Money determines success—or failure…

This New Year 2023, we encourage you to question where your money beliefs come from. Were they inherited? Are they taught? Perhaps, there are some beliefs that you are willing to let go of, expand, and grow anew. Above all, Amida Wealth is here to support you.

#6. Reconnect With Your Legacy

Your legacy is every life you’ve touched. Every person who you inspired. Who you’ve helped or mentored or taught, and who has been moved by your journey and behaviors in this life. Legacy planning is working to understand how your wealth can transfer to future generations.

In other words, wealth cannot be restricted to your paycheck or your asset count. It is a much deeper force, requiring a base of knowledge about your individual life and how money as an element comes into play. Money’s presence as a fueling energy can grow itself down the line, if cared for properly. The security, prosperity, and opportunity money affords as an energetic presence can help ensure your loved ones are cared for in the years to come.

Amida Wealth Family Conversations

At your next family and friends gathering encourage the topic of a wealthy mindset. First, share this blog. In other words, you are sharing the wealth. Ask questions like, What does wealth mean for you? Perhaps, you can share the Joe Dispenza visualization activity. Most importantly, discover limiting beliefs and how you can help expand the wealth of those you love.

Final Thoughts

Enter Into the New Year 2023 with a wealthy mindset – Visualize your wealth, develop good money habits, focus on your health, start your day off right, set aside limiting beliefs, and reconnect to your legacy! Most importantly, connect with a financial advisor today. Amida is always one phone call and email away.



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