Financial Values With Your Partner Part 2

Financial Values With Your Partner Part 2 The Amida Way

This month with Amida is all about celebration! In July we honor all aspects of relationships in our lives. Specifically, thoughtful money conversations. Above all, thoughtful money conversations enhance our wealth mindset.

This is Part 2 of a two part series about financial values in relationships. If you haven’t read Part 1, be sure to check it out! We have helped hundreds of couples better navigate financial conversation. In this blog, you will learn some of our techniques (part 2). Enjoy!

Financial Values Re-Cap (Part 1)

Financial values is how you value money in your life, and where those values come from. For example, do you see money as security, freedom? Do you feel like a provider? Perhaps, you like to spend money as it comes… These are open-ended thoughts that are based on your personal feelings towards money. Your value systems dictate your attitude and aptitude towards money. Oftentimes, these beliefs come from how we were raised, and money conversations that took place at home. Another key point, is that there is no right answer. In other words, what does money represent for you? All things considered, the more we understand our beliefs, the more empowered we become.

Money Dates Re-Cap

Money dates are scheduled evenings, once or twice a month, to discuss finances. We create money dates to better understand each other, and our values. In relationships, money dates are established so that money is not the focus of the relationship. In other words, if there are two dates set on the schedule to asses finances – the rest of the time can be spent embracing the abundance of life.

The foundation for money dates are; regular scheduled dates, comfortable settings, preparation with an agenda, and a final review. Remember, money dates should be a constructive and collaborative experience. Above all, think: open-hearted conversation.

Financial Values: Conversation Checklist

Attitudes and behaviors about money are often influenced by family values and the way money was managed and discussed during childhood. Here are some thoughtful topics to consider for you and your partner:

  • Share your family’s money history—it often influences how we feel as adults about money (allocation, spending, saving, debt, etc.). Some questions to get started might include the following: What is your first money memory? How did you spend your allowance? What did your parents teach you about money?
  • How do you you and your partner experience & see money? Do you see money as security or freedom? Do you consider yourself a spender, or are you more inclined to save?
  • What are you and your partner’s short-term and long-term money goals? Is it perhaps; paying off debt or student loans? buying a home (what type?), traveling around the world, retiring early, etc.

Below, you will see additional financial topics that are important to discuss in partnership:

First, Credit History & Credit Score

Credit history & credit score play an important role in relationships, especially when it comes to financial matters and future planning. Here are some reasons why credit history is significant:

Joint Financial Goals: Couples often have joint financial goals, such as buying a house (what kind), starting a business (which type?) , or saving for retirement (what’s the vision?). Evidently, when we start talking about credit history, this is usually a topic that is not considered when a union if first created. However, understanding credit history helps us align with our visions and goals, and there is nothing to have shame about. Indeed, credit history plays a role in auto and life insurance in-order to protect what you have achieved so far.

Second, Financial Allocation

At Amida we replace the word budget with Allocation. In doing so, we empower the individual to have control over their finances rather than feel a sense of lack. Allocation is important in relationships for several reasons. First, allocation allows couples to align their financial goals and priorities. Second, allocation encourages responsible money-management. It allows us to be more intentional with our purchases. It’s all a matter of priorities, and how our goals stack in terms of priorities. Think: green & red zone for your finances.

Here are some questions you can ask at your next Money Date:

  • What financial goals are you currently working towards?
  • How do you prioritize your expenses and decide where your money goes?
  • Are there any financial habits or behaviors you would like to improve upon or change?

A True Story: Financial Allocation

First, the story begins with Amy, a 13 year old girl that is upset because she can’t go to summer camp for another week. Her parents spent $7,000 for a 3 week summer camp program that she loved! Amy asked her parents, “why can’t I stay another week? I love summer camp!” Amy’s parents responded that, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

After a conversation with Amida, we reframed the sentence. Instead of using the language that, “money doesn’t grow on trees” we switched the perspective. We used a different verbiage…“Amy, there’s so many beautiful activities that you love to do throughout the year, and these activities cost money. We have allocated a certain amount of money towards those activities, and part of that money is summer camp. We can take a look at all the activities you love, and prioritize them when we get home. When we plan for the next year, we can take a look and see which activity you prioritize less so that you can experience more summer camp. “ Certainly, instead of lack we create opportunity!


All in all, money is part of the puzzle that we must solve in order to understand our vision of wealth. We can take a look at everything we are allocating towards in our lives, and reference it back to Amy’s summer camp story. Above all, Allocation is our way of ranking priority. As can be seen, allocate your money so that your present is enjoyed, and your future is taken care of.

Amida Wealth Family Conversations

At your next family or friends gathering, share this blog! Create a comfortable space, through conversation, to evaluate where individual money stories comes from. Ask questions like; What is your first memory of money? How did your parents handle money? Above all, get curious & share the wealth!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, We wrap up this Amida series on relationships with gratitude and celebration! At Amida, we are by your side every step of the way. Likewise, did you find this blog useful? By all means, let us know! Send us an email at:



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