Hello 2022!!! American journalist Ellen Goodman once said, “We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched.” The New Year is often a time for starting fresh, and whether your goals for the new year are inward or outward, this month we want to help you set yourself up for a successful year ahead.
As many people know, it’s not always easy to stick to healthy habits, and just getting started can be the hardest part. In this issue, you’ll get tools to help you make better choices at home, including solutions for organizing, scheduling, and meal prepping.
If you’re looking to eat better this year, cooking with simple, fresh ingredients is a great way to do it. The pair of recipes in this issue—a beef-and-tomato-based soup and a cauliflower-mushroom soup—are hearty and filling enough to make for the perfect winter dinners, and each offers no shortage of nutritious ingredients to help you meet your goals.
Does it seem like your kitchen appliances are always breaking down sooner than they should? The enclosed guide to the life expectancy of common appliances can help you better predict when they’ll need replacing and prevent them from falling apart before their time.No matter what part of the country you live in, winter weather can be destructive to your home. From whipping winds to power outages to heavy snow, make sure your household is prepared for anything Mother Nature throws its way by reading the winter home safety guide in this issue.
May the new year bring you a renewed sense of possibility for what’s to come! As always, thank you for being part of the Amida family. It is a pleasure having you!
Amida Lifestyle Magazine January 2022
With love & light,